About Me

I am an embedded software engineer who enjoys working on embedded projects, gaming, and playing with and writing Free Software. I got my Computer Science degree at the University of Michigan Dearborn.

Working with different types of hardware is really interesting to me, so I have a collection of various computers to mess around with. Sometimes I enjoy being limited to the 5KB of memory of my VIC-20, other times I want to enjoy the gigabytes of RAM and graphics memory that we now have. Ideally I would like to have an example of a bunch of different processors and platforms, but some get crazy expensive, like a working Commodore Amiga or NeXT NeXTstation, or are not common where I live, like an Acorn RiscPC.

I also do try to get outside sometimes, as even CRTs don’t provide the same light as our Sun. When it isn’t snowing outside, I enjoy camping in some of the great parks in the northern part of the lower peninsula of Michigan. When I don’t have as much time, going out on my bicycle and seeing things at a slower pace is really relaxing. Though when it does snow, out come the ice skates and hot cocoa.

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